
Packet Capture using tcpdump on Kubernetes Pods in Azure AKS

Assuming the target containers can actually install new software (apt install is available) what follows is a quick and very dirty method to run tcpdump on k8s/AKS containers in Azure.

If you’re running Kubernetes 1.23 and up, please read this instead:

Install some needed utilities

Use whatever pod label is required to target the right pods.

kubectl get pods -l <LABEL> -o name | \
xargs -I{} kubectl exec {} -- apt-get -y update

Install tcpdump, screen, psmisc, and rclone

kubectl get pods -l <LABEL> -o name | \
xargs -I{} kubectl exec {} -- \
apt-get -y install tcpdump screen psmisc rclone


kubectl get pods -l <LABEL> -o name | \
xargs -I{} kubectl exec {} -- tcpdump --version

Start tcpdump in a screen

Use whatever tcpdump <FILTER> here as needed.

kubectl get pods -l <LABEL> -o name | \
xargs -I{} kubectl exec {} -- \
bash -c "screen -d -m tcpdump -nn <FILTER> -w /\$(hostname).out"

Kill tcpdump sessions

kubectl get pods -l <LABEL> -o name | \
xargs -I{} kubectl exec {} -- killall -9 tcpdump

rclone the capture files off

Change the Account Name and Key as needed

kubectl get pods -l <LABEL> -o name | \
xargs -I{} kubectl exec {} -- rclone --progress copy \
--azureblob-account <ACCOUNTNAME> \
--azureblob-key "<KEY>" \
--include "/*.out" / :azureblob:/


kubectl get pods -l <LABEL> -o name | \
xargs -I{} kubectl exec {} -- bash -c "rm -f /*.out"