Puppet Module for FoundationDB

FoundationDB has been purchased by Apple, and is no longer a product. Apple will be cancelling all support contracts and apprently not continuing to offer FDB for sale. Therefore this module is of course deprecated and no longer supported (at least by me!). Here at Bede we’ve been using FoundationDB for some time, and are basically in love with it. Fully distributed, ACID compliant transactions? Yes please. It’s fast, it scales, it’s reliable and redundant.

Modelling an nginx Application Proxy using Puppet and Hiera

Goal To model nginx configurations in Hiera, extracting those configurations from the Puppet DSL, and create a Puppet Profile to combine that with the nginx module. Links Puppet Docs Puppet Resource Abstraction Layer Puppet create_resources Scoping Namespacing Puppet Roles/Profiles Craig Dunn, Designing Puppet Talk End to End Roles and Profiles Example Puppet Workflow Part 1 Puppet Workflow Part 2 Hiera Puppet Labs Hiera Docs Passing Variables to Hiera nginx Module jfryman nginx Puppet Module nginx nginx Project Page Requirements Within nginx we need to define a set of nginx “server” contexts with the same set of “location” contexts in each “server”.